On 20 July 2021, the bosun of the roll-on roll-off cargo ferry Clipper Pennant suffered fatal crushing injuries during cargo loading operations. The bosun was marshalling tractor unit drivers who were loading semi-trailers when he was crushed between a moving trailer and the vessel’s structure.
The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has issued a safety bulletin into the incident.
Safety Issues
Where tractor units are being used to position semi-trailers, there is an extreme risk of crushing injuries, particularly where the semi-trailer is manoeuvring close to the ship’s structure, with limited means of escape for crew on deck.
Safety recommendations may be made after all aspects of the accident have been
investigated and if applicable, will be published in the MAIB’s final report.
The full MAIB safety bulletin can be found here.
Marine Accident Investigation Branch November 2021